About the Centre

Hair Replacement Surgery (Hair Transplant)

Hair Replacement Surgery(Before)
Hair Replacement Surgery (After)
Fills in balding areas with the patient’s own hair using the micro-follicular hair transplant method. A strip of hair bearing skin is harvested from the back of the scalp and is meticulously split into single hair roots under magnification. These are then transferred, one at a time, to either create the new hairline, or to increase existing hair density on the scalp. Other techniques include scalp reduction, tissue expansion, strip grafts, scalp flaps or clusters of punch grafts.
Duration of Surgery
4 to 7 hours.
Anesthesia :
Usually done under a local with sedation. Flaps and tissue expansion may require a general anesthesia.
As a day care surgery case.
Temporary pain.
Back to work: usually 2 to 5 days.
Strenuous activities: 10 days to 3 weeks.
Final look: may be 4 to 6 months or more, depending on procedure.
Duration of Results


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